4.25" x 5.5" illustration using Micron Pen, Metallic Pen & Acrylic Paint on 400 Heavyweight Watercolor Paper.
Historically, the Sun has been regarded as a powerful energetic entity in our solar system, commonly attributed with Masculine features. While this may be true on some level, I would posit that the sun can, at times, also exhibit a very strongly Feminine energy, sending warmth, healing, the spark of life and enlivening golden waves thrumming off of its burning form, flowing across the cosmos to wash over us with loving constancy.
The spheres surrounding this central sun are perhaps representative of the other planets in our neighborhood system. Perhaps they are the ten sefirot of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, embodying energy points of a human soul, a model of the life cycle itself, and a map of the entire universe and how it all fits together. Everything in this conscious experience is a living, intelligent, interconnected piece of the whole.
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